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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  September 11, 2012 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> good morning everyone. i am patti ann browne. >> i am heather childers. thank you for joining us. it is tuesday september 11th. thanks for watching "fox & friends first". >> it is time now for your 5@5:00. the top five making news at this hour. a deal has been reached at ground zero. it calls for the port authority to be made $17 million from the foundation that operates the memorial and museum. but work on the site might not be finished fully until 2014.
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>> afghanistan's bagram airfield coming under attack by militants firing mortars and rockets. nato says three members of the afghan national security forces were killed and a nato helicopter was destroyed. this comes days after they gave over control to the bagram prison and 3,000 inmates. >> the moment wade page began firing on police during last month's temple shooting in wisconsin. >> the gunman shot lieutenant brian murphy a total of 15 times amazingly murphy survived. page was hit by another officer's bullet in the stomach. he killed 6 people and wounded 4 others before taking his own life. >> a stopgap spending bill to
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avoid a government shut down at the end of the month. $1 trillion bill would go through march. they are expected to pass the bill but there is still plenty before the tax cut and reforming the u.s. postal service. michael grim wants to honor mayor giuliani. he wants a ferry to be named after giuliani. grimm said it would be a fitting reminder of gill gayles actions duri -- giuliani's actions during 9-11. that is your 5@5:00. as we launch the 11th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks president obama and romney are pulling putting tol picks aside
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and pulling negative ads today. >> good morning to you. today is the day free of political rank core and one focused on american unit. neither candidate are appearing at overtly political events. on their mind right now honoring the victims and those who served during 9-11. at 8:48 this morning the president and first lady will observe a moment of silence to mark the 11th anniversary of the 9-11 attack. the president plans to speak to americans about giving honor to members of the military and first responders. gop political candidate governor mitt romney issued a statement in observance of 9-11 stating america shalrie main ever vigilant against those who will do us harm.
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we extend our gratitude to the brave troops who have gone into battle and some never return so that we may live in peace. paul ryan of wisconsin haven't scheduled any public event. joe biden is expect to do tand a memorial service in shanksville pennsylvania where the jetliner crashed that one believed to be on the way to the capital in washington before brave men and women actually help to do take that plane down. a beautiful tribute in shanksville, 40 lanterns line the memorial wall. joe biden will take part in the ceremony there this morning. it will include a moment of silence that will be at 10 tln 03 and then a reading of the names of the victims. leon pineda visited the memorial yesterday saying he was grateful
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to the heros of flight 93. he calls the memorial the final resting place of american patriots. >> today in new york city when the loved ones of the victims are gathering to mourn. >> i know you lost a lot of people. >> it was a tough day for a lot of folks. >> eric shawn is live for us at ground zero. he joins us live for what's going on there. >> it is that day again a day of tears and tributes here at ground zero. as they have in the past years family members and others will gather in remembrance over the past years the defiant anger has given way to quiet sorrow. as has occurred during the years there will be the reading of the names the 2,980 people who died here. there will be 6 moments of sigh wednesday when the first plane hit when the towers crumbled and for the pentagon and flight 93.
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no public speakers will be but they will attend. hope of renewal and inspiration has given way to an amazing museum 4 and a half million americans and others have visited this museum this past year since it opened this anniversary one year ago. the cascading water falls are an over powering sign and symbol of hope and inspiration. they are looking forward to the financial dispute that delayed the opening of the muss em. it has been resolved and the cancers that have affected some of the first responders 58 different cancers have been classified by the federal government so that should help many of the 40,000 who were here, 1,000 who died over the past years. then of course there is the building the new sky skrarps towering 1 world trade center at 104 stories. it is lit up in red, white and blue so there is hope and
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renewal. the absence of the towers remind us of the devastating loss and of the threat. thank you very much, eric. appreciate it. time now to take a look at who is talking. this morning karl rove and brit hume talking about the presidential race. taking a look at before romney or obama receives a convention bounce. >> tom holbrook goes back and looks at all of the conventions since 64. democrats on average get a 5 points bounce. that's what this one looks like. whatever bounce we get you get a bounce from having a convention having a couple days to digest it and you get that bounce.
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romney didn't have that. there was immediately a turn by the media for the next convention coming up. i suspect we got a little bit of a bounce for obama. see how long it lasts. the department put this back together for me. in 1980 after the conventions jimmy carter led ronald reagan 44-40 and after the convention it was 55 dukakis das to 48 bush 41. he and bill o'reilly talking about where voters stand right now. >> it looks to me like an extraordinary number of americans are not locked in yet. i think the debates may galvanize that. there are a lot of people who you go out you ask what the issueings are they go the economy but they don't know what romney stands for as opposed to
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president obama. it seems to me the electorate are getting dumb error more apathetic. >> when i think both parties are worried about is voters are getting so disillusioned from politics and politicians they have tuned them all out. it is not entirely clear to me who that helps most. there is a certain presumption with a sitting president. it's an advantage but goes along with the burdens of the record you may be carrying, too. it is part of what counts for president obama's boyian see. they don't think this other guy could make a difference because they don't think anybody can. >> first of the debates october 3rd in denver. it is time now for your first degree weather update. maria molina has chilly temperatures in the northeast. >> good morning. good to see you patti ann and heather. we are looking at chili
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companies across the northeast. feeling like fall in the 40s in syracuse, burlington, 55 in new york city and 52 degrees in the city of harrisburg. you need a light coat as you head out the door but we will be rebounding nicely back into the 70s. 74 for a high 79 in cleveland. we have hot temperatures across portions of the midwest.l be th this afternoon in minneapolis. 91 kansas city and 90s across the state of texas. we are talking about dry conditions across the east with high pressure in the eastern half the country. nool the rockies light early this morning. quickly want to point out further west across portions of the midwest we have strong winds along with the dry conditions and hot temperatures. there is an el grated fire danger. >> maria molina, thank you.
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the time is 10 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, job creation. it has been the focus of the presidential election. but turns out the race could actually be hurting it. we will tell you what is holding the companies back from hiring. a real and scary moment during the live broadcast of monday night raw. a member of the wwe family collapses live on the air. we will have that. you
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>> 14 after the hour. the white house is knocking down a report from the government accountability institute that finds the president missed his important daily briefing more than half of the time. the president of the united states gets the presidential daily briefing every day. there's a document he reads every day -- he always reads it every day because he's a voer rash shoes consumer of all of his briefing materials.
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>> the president only attended 44 percent of his daily briefings through may. wrestling legend and announcer lawler rush to do the hospital after suffering a heart attack during wwe monday night raw in montreal. he collapsed and received cpr. he is breathing on his own and is in stable condition. now to stories you can bank on this morning. there's a new buzz word when it comes to why some u.s. companies are reluctant to hire. here to explain is lauren simonetti from the fox business network. thank you for joining us. >> that buzz word is uncertainty. according to a survey by staffing foreman power the vast majority seeing no change hiring plans in the 4th quarter. they are uncertain how to slow down in europe. they also fret about the u.s. presidential elections and of course the up coming fiscal clip when the massive spending cuts are set to take in. the survey is based on
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interviews with 20,000 american employers and is considered leading indicator of trends in the job market. >> on the heels of the debt reaching the $16 trillion mark we have the deficit higher than expected. >> the u.s. deficit for the 11th month of the fiscal year which ends at the end of this month is $1.17 trillion. that according to the congressional budget office is expected to be the 4th straight year the deficit will exceed a trillion dollars. the announce am comes on the heels of the u.s. debt for passi -- surpassing $16 trillion. consumers are reducing their credit card debt. >> because we are being more responsibility. but it shows we are not comfortable spending money. that's a worried sign for the economy. they are jittery about there particularly about the job market. if you don't have a job you are not going to put money on your credit card. the federal reserve said yesterday consumer credit fell
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in july for the first time in nearly a year. consumer credit fell 3.3 billion. wall street was expecting a $9 billion advance. it declined even though americans spent more money in july. that was the best spending report we got in five months. >> we will come back to the buzz word uncertainty across the board. lauren simonetti for the fox business network. >> good to see you. the time is 17 after the hour. the federal reserve looked poised to take action following friday's lackluster jobs report. speaking of that we will tell you how the fed's version of a stimulus will impact your wallet. the parents of a member of team 6 the unit that killed osama bin laden is speaking out saying the white house has since put their kid's lives in jeopardy. prices at the pump, the national average standing at 3.84 a gallon.
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had will
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>> welcome back. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. the chicago teacher's strike heading into the second day. thousands of teachers and supporters march to city hall voicing their disapproval. the two major sinking points are benefits and the evaluation system. school officials hosted the dispute and be resolved today. maryland democrat dropping out of a congressional race in disgrace. the state party revealing wendy rosen voted twice in both 2006 and 2008. rose enis registered in both maryland and florida. rose ennot commenting on the charges. >> thanks, heather. after friday's dismal job numbers the federal reserve
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looks set to launch its own version of a stimulus. a third round of bond purchases. what would qe 3 mean to you and your wallet? let's ask personal finance expert vera givens. >> good morning, patty ann. >> let's start with jobs. >> when you flood the economy with cash and keep interest rates at rock bottom they make the additional investments that would mean theoretically adding to the payrolls. i don't think with this environment, companies are used to getting 3 jobs from one worker. it is not that type of environment. nothing to do with interest rates has more to do with politics. >> how about getting a loan? >> technically it should be easier. easier for consumers to get loans or businesses to get loans but banks are not lending. it has nothing to do with the sides of the cash reserve they don't want to take the risk. people who don't need the money verses people who actually do. that environment will be the
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same. >> the interest on the sfok market not just stock investors people have their 401 k stock market benefit. >> here is one benefit. it has been on the rise in anticipation we all get a round of stimulus. it is looking likely given the dismal jobs report. if you compel investors to get out of the low yielding investments and move into riskyer investments. it's a rise for the market. we have seen over 13,000 a large part is because of the content. >> back to the down side. the impact on your purchasing power. one of the main impacts is you have got a weaker dollar so that makes your imports more expensive, european cars and vacations for example. commodity the rise sugar, corn, wheat, gold is on fire right now. you end up paying more at the grocery store, at the pump, et cetera. >> as the value of the dollar declines. meanwhile trying to save put
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money in a cd whatever interest rates there are horrible. >> when they are easing rates which go lower it is good for credit worthy borrowers but bad to for savings. >> you have the stock market looking better but things like cd's not so good. if you are looking right now to make some kind of a move stocks? >> so many uncertainties with the election around the corner. it is good to have a balanced well rounded portfolio. how is that for an answer? >> good sound advice. vera gibbons. 24 after the hour. still to come the taliban issuing a death threat to a member of the royal family saying it will use all of its strength to kill orchid n -- orp one of the princes. who needs politicians. apple's iphone could provide the
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economic growth that washington could only dream of. let's take a look at lower manhattan as we look at 9-11 11 years later. i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad. the sleep number bed conforms to you. i wake up in the morning with no back pain. do you toss and turn?
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wake up with back pain? if so, call us now. you'll learn how the sleep number bed helps relieve back pain by allowing you to adjust the firmness and support to conform to your body for a more proper spinal alignment. just look at this research... ® 93% of participants experienced back-pain relief. plus it's a great value because it costs about the same an innerspring yet lasts twice as long. so if you want to sleep better or find relief for your bad back, call now. call the number on your screen for your free information kit with dvd brochure and price list. call now and we'll include a free $50 savings card. call now for your free information and this free $50 savings card. call now!
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>> a look now at the manhattan skyline. the freedom tower lit up red white and blue. today marking 11 years since the 9-11 terror attacks. welcome back to "fox & friends first". i am heather childers. >> i am patti ann browne. 29 minutes after the hour. a time to reflect with a more intimate ceremony taking place at ground zero. >> eric shawn is live with the details for us. good morning patti ann and heather. it is almost unbelievable 11 years has passed. it is so steeled in our conscious memory. the first plane woefrnt my head and hit the world trade center
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that morning. let me show you the world trade center the 104 story tall building it is lit up in red, white and blue. that a symbol of research and renewal. tenants have signed into that building among them connie nash a huge magazine publisher. defiant anger the sorrow has continued but life renewed and rejuvenated in many ways. it has been visited by 4 and a half million people the memorial and world trade center footprints with the magnificent water falls. again today from under 2 hours from now the ceremony will resume. family members will be gathering here to remember and honor the loved ones reading the names of 2,983 people who perished on that day not only honoring those who died here but also in
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shanksville, pennsylvania at the pentagon and from the bombing in 1 1993. the public officials will not be publicly speaking. they have decided to have this become more of an intimate service really for the families and remember those who were killed. politicians and public officials will be here in attendance. for the first time they will not speak. there is also a special time because of the killing of osama bin laden and also the remembrance this was not the first attack by islamic ex tremist terrorists across the country. >> the man who headed hamas in jersey in hoboken and across the river. they bombed the world trade center back in 1993. now we know so much more and have taken so many more
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precautions as we live in a new era that came here september 11th, 2001. we are bringing you the ceremony live. that's the latest from here at the world trade center. heather and patti ann back to you. eric shawn, thank you. with americans across the country remembering the nearly 3,000 lives lost 11 years ago president obama and mitt romney will voboth put politics aside r the day. >> doug luzader is live in washington with what the candidates are doing today. it lasted just a day long enough to mark the solemn occasion. the new memorial has slowly taken shape at ground zero. this will take place today. noel elected leaders will speak in new york. the focus will be on the family members of those who parish.
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>> back in washington meantime president obama and first lady will begin today at the white house with a moment of silence just before 9:00 a.m. eastern north tower of the world trade center. they will hold the pentagon before visiting the walter reed medical center in bethesda. mitt romney will be in las vegas to speak with the national guard association. the two are in a virtual tie now. both campaigns have pulled their negative ads it is only for a day. politics will be secondary today but the focus on the truce will be affected by both romney and
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obama campaigns. back to you in new york. >> doug luzader reporting live for us. the top five stories making news for you at this hour. the parents of a seal team 6 member blasting the obama administration for revealing his unit was behind the osama bin laden raid. aaron vaughn was killed in afghanistan when his helicopter was shot down. his parents don't believe he was part of the uvl mission. aaron called two-days after the raid with a disturbing warning. he actually said to me, mom, there's chatter and all of our lives could be in danger including yours. i realized all of those families. you are talking about a community of around 300 families who are all of a sudden targets by this administration. >> the vaughans say the 9-11 attacks inspired aaron to join the unit. the obama administration have not yet commented.
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a fox news exclusive saying the pakistani doctor jailed after helping the u.s. find osama bin laden warning pakistan's spy agency considers america it's worth enemy. pakistan only cooperates with the u.s. for billions of dollars in aid. former ambassador to the u.n. said it's a troubling dilemma. >> it is no surprise. the issue in pakistan has always been whether the radicals will prevail and take over the government and supply of nuclear weapons. the question now is whether you throw the whole country under the bus and resist those nuclear weapons come under radical control. an appeal is adjourned until later this month. barely a week into his 4 month mission in afghanistan for prince harry already under
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threat. taliban saying they would use all of their strength to kill orchid nap him. harry a chopper pilot is stationed at hellman's providence on the front line. the 27-year-old also served a tour of duty in afghanistan you may remember in 2008 but it was cut short because of publicity. chairman darrel issa forced to postpone today's hearing on the botched fast and furious operation. it told the justice department it's report would not be ready until later in the week. the program allowed nearly 2,000 guns to fall into the hands of the mexican cartel. one of the guns was used to kill a u.s. border patrol agent. they are trying to figure out who was responsibility. >> after michael clarke duncan laid to rest during an emotional 4 hour memorial service in los angeles. among those who helped celebrate his life were beyonce and omarosa, former green mile
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co-star tom hanks and jay leno. the comedian in tears said he was personally touched by duncan's positive attitude and big heart. he died september 3rd having never fully recovered from a pa heart attack he suffered in july. he was 54. that is your 5@5:30. >> the economy has been in a dire need of a boost. t a new estimate says the tech guy in apple could be the one that could give the economy the kick start that it needs. good morning, diane. >> good morning, patti ann. iphone's release of iphone 5 could boost the bottom line but also give the u.s. economy a significant loose. that's according to michael of course eroli. new iphone sales could arred a quarter to half percent toward gdp figure.
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they will sell iphone 5's at 6 million a piece. that means calculated using retail control method. they could loose annualized growth by 3.2 billion or 12.8 billion at an annual rate. they have an estimate large but based on sales of the last iphone and higher expectations of this launch. diane mess is heed doe, thank you. >> oo first degree weather update with maria molina and current temperatures. fall is definitely here. >> good to see you this morning. good morning. >> look at new york city 55 degrees currently. 50 over in cleveland. hire elevations across portions of new england we are talking about frost early this morning.
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the first frost of the season. seeing the fall air moving flew portions of the northeast. that shined that front that produced all of the severe weather with two confirmed tornadoes in the new york city area. raleigh north tarryl line gnaw in the 60s as we head into minnesota and kansas city. current temperature at 66 degrees. in the midwest where we have relatively temperatures. 95 will be your high temperature in indianapolis and widespread 90 as well across the state of texas. across the northeast you will have temperatures rebounding back in the afternoon. 79 in the city of cleveland. out of the 90s, 80 for a high temperature today. the reason it will be relatively cool out of phoenix because we have an area of low pressure that will be producing a lot of clouds area of rain and heavier thunderstorms that could produce flash flooding out here.
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we have flash flood watching in effect across parts of alabama arizona and utah. some of that rain moving through that area right now. light showers across parts of the northern plains. over all quiet day across the lower 48. dry weather from the northeast down to the southeast even across portions of the midwest. dry weather not good news across parts of the midwest. you combine that with hot temperatures and strong winds you have a elevated threat of fire danger. heather, patti ann. >> maria molina, thank you. >> we love that fall is finally here. the time is 40 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up look at this. frightening scene in the sky. two planes colliding ffit was a caught on camera. >> sheryl crow revealing what she thinks caused her brain tumor. she said a cell phone. a look at lower manhattan as we
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remember 9-11 11 years later. with the spark cash card from capital one, olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? and what they said is amazing. on ereview 5-hour energy day! over 73 percent who reviewed 5-hour energy
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said they would recommend a low calorie energy supplement to their healthy patients who use energy supplements. seventy-three percent. 5-hour energy has four calories and it's used over nine million times a week. is 5-hour energy right for you? ask your doctor. we already asked 3,000.
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>> 5:45 after the top of the hour. let's span the globe to see what stories are making headlines overseas. first to yemen one of the top leaders have been killed at least five others died during an air strike in yemen. in spanning stpakistan al q announcing alevi died in an air strike. he had close ties to osama bin laden. a frightening mid air collision
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is caught on camera. twot planes were actually temporarily stuck together one of them forced to make an emergency landing right on the beach. the other landed safely at the airport. amazingly no one hurt. finally in london workers at a motorcycle dealer fighting off armed robbers two suspects wearing helmets tried to walk out of the showroom with two expensive motor cycles but the workers battled back taking them out of the store. >> we mark 11 years since the terrorist attacks. >> we are joined live from shanksville, pennsylvania to tell us what his plans are today to remember the heros of united
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flight 93>> certainly a somber day and the 30 lives lost here united flight 93 of course 11 years ago right over my shoulder here. it is hard to see because it is dark and foggy. that is the site where flight 93 hit the ground after the 40 passengers and crew on boardable to stop the terrorists from taking that plane toward the intended target which is believed to be washington, d.c. the ceremony begins at 9 this morning. we are expected to hear from ken salazar. it begins at 10:03 the time flight 93 crashed into the field. 40 bells will toll all 40 names will be read of those passengers and crew that went down in that flight on that fateful day. this of course is a huge site.
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22 acres in all for a memorial at this point again hard to see but over my left shoulder is a wall of names. it is 40 different pieces of marble each with an inscription of those 40 passenger and crew who died on flight 9311 years ago today. that part is done. what is coming will be a visitor's center and several other pieces of landscaping to surround this site. that is expected to be done in 2014. there is a third phase which will be in the next few years after that in which they hope to put upwind chimes to honor flight 93. a busy day ahead a some der day also a day filled with people who believed their loved ones died saving their country.
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>> oo true heros. the time right now 47 after the hour. parents will take almost any measure to get their baby to stop crying at night. a study reveals it might not hurt to let them cry it out. >> services to remember. fallen from 9-11 turning political. some of the victim's families we will speak to one father up next. talk to steve dues see to see what's coming up on fox and friends. >> since today is the 11th anniversary of the attacks on the united states we will be live at ground zero. the pilot of flight 11 fate that day didn't put him in the cockpit. we will talk to the man who piloted george bush over the country 11 years ago today.
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they start to read the names. fox news kicks off 11 minutes from now right here on the fox news channel. >> my name is reggie cruise. since i was a kid i always looked up at the fire unit. that's why i am proud to be an american.
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. >> 8 minutes to the top of the hour. singer sheryl crow is blaming cell phone use for the benign tumor in her brain. she battled breast cancer no doctor will confirm her theory but the lump is right where she used to hold her phone. (baby crying)
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>> while many parents want to respond to their crying baby like this, a study finds it is okay to let them cry at least for a bit. >> scientists found that babies love to cry for short period of time did not suffer more stress or long-term harm than babies whose parents camped out with them. heather? the 9-11 memorial museum barring politicians from speaking today at the 11 year anniversary of the 9-11 attacks. a family trying to contempt that decision. deputy chief jim riches he lost his son jimmy junior in the tragedy 11 years ago. i want to begin by first sharing some thoughts that you have today on your son jimmy junior. >> you know not a day goes by we don't miss him.
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he was 29 years old. he was a firefighter. he ran into these buildings when there was a plane sticking out of it to help people. that's just the person he was. we miss him terribly. never be any closure. we always miss him. especially tomorrow is his birthday he would have been 30. >> that makes a hero when you are running in and everyone else is running out. >> your three other sons became firefighters after? >> they became firemen after 9-11. he was their hero before 9-11, the oldest brother he was the hero after. every time they go on a run they think of him and he's right there with them. >> you will go down to the site for the readings of the names. >> our family goes there all of the boys all their wives. we will go back to brooklyn and go to his favorite restaurant and tell crazy jimmy stories what a great kid he was. >> the ceremony will be different than when you will go down there no politicians will
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be allowed to speak. you disagree with that? >> blonever contacted the famil. we have had presidents come down for 10 years all kinds of politicians they have helped us with the victim conversation fund all of the 9-11 families are grateful to them. yet mayor bloomberg and joe daniels decided on their own without any consultation with the families on the day that is supposed to be our day that they would not invite any politician to speak. we think it is horrible. i think it's something they shouldn't have the power to do. they have taken human remains that are going to go back to the site separate and distinct they put the body parts in the museum 7 stories below grade to make it a pt barn numb production we want bloomberg and daniels they don't own the site. we want them above grade. >> both decisions you are saying they didn't speak to any of the
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family members they made these on their own. >> not at all. he was very mad about the funding. they have a $60 million bloated annual budget they have high 6 figure salaries. they don't want anybody to have any deal of that. 20,000 in tax payer money. it will come out of our pockets. they should consult the families on where we want the human bodies. we should have a say in that. politicians they don't want them there. that's wrong. hopefully they are listening to you today and you will get some kiep of communication as a result. you are a hero, your whole family. we will be remembering him and many others today. we will be right back. .
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